Understanding color perception through cultural differences highlights how our cognitive frameworks shape the way we interpret the world around us.
There are new approaches and new challenges, and it seems that many of them will be labeled as complex problems, and design will be there.
Design remains important, but more and more we are letting go of tools, processes, methodologies to be become lighter, more efficient, more reusable.
A design system is the language that is created and shared within a product team. This language is composed of mutually interconnected and reusable patterns.
Lion or Gazelle
Current success in design comes from a greater ability to try to resist pressure from designers
Ladies that…
We need all points of view, all opinions. Not to have many, but to find the valid ones among them, be them from men or women.
When I was asked “What do designers do?”. A voice within me automatically responded: "A designer solves problems within a set of constraints."
Design is not disconnected from the context in which there was created. There is always an interpretation, a way to explain the world.
I believe it is worth it to use the power of persuasive design with users who want to create new habits in their lives and transform themselves.
They may be called guerrilla tests, but when you prepare them you must be as careful and methodical as with any other type of test.
Simplicity plays a fundamental role in the design of any behavior. As we simplify a task, the likelihood that this action will be performed is much greater.
having a lot of knowledge about a subject/industry only guarantees that you know the rules people play by in it.
We must seek to solve the real problems of our users and avoid superficiality. We need to write more, talk more, teach more.
Design is the search for the right object to produce and the right plan for how to produce it.
Ideas are living beings subject to the laws of survival described by Darwin in "The Origin of Species."
The acceptance of false assumptions makes us consider the wrong solutions in our designs.
We human beings, when we do not know how to behave, analyze what others have done and imitate them.
All products have a purpose, a function, but furthermore, they should be beautiful and have an emotional impact on their users.
Strategy 3
Anticipating our users’ satisfaction in a digital service is not always a planned strategy.
Strategy 2
What is your strategy? How true are you to it? How many users have you renounced because you are true to it? How many users have you acquired because you are true to it?
Strategy 1
Could sacrificing visual design to obtain a competitive advantage over the major competitors be the strategy?
We think of design in a global way but how many decisions are ours and how many are based on the culture we belong to?
Design a better World. Defend what you stand for. Transform design into a relevant discipline.
The secret to designs that last is simply Good Design. And Good Design’s beauty is in its consequences, not its causes.
Telling good stories is part of our work, but are you telling the best story for your product?
Fake buttons and strange behavior: how to transform False Affordance into something positive.
Morality 2
The curious influences in our designs that can affect our moral conduct. We can make the world better.
Morality 1
Morality in design is not something we often discuss, but the objective is to use design to make people happier.
What do we need to do to become Senior Designers? AKA, Practice, practice, practice and other stories.
The leading cause of the majority of errors in critical systems is us. Improving our interfaces can save lives.
Who controls how much we pay for what we buy? The Decoy Effect helps explain this and other questions in the crazy world of pricing.
Content is a fundamental part of interaction design. The Framing Effect helps explain some curious relations between these two.
Newborn Design
Design matters much more than those in our profession think it does. Aspire to become better designers and change the world.
Do you know how we make our decisions? Let’s look at the curious process of decision-making in our brain.
Everyone talks about Information Architecture but explaining it is a lot more difficult than talking about it.